Trados Studio 2017 Professional


What are the differences between Express, Starter, Freelance, Workgroup and Professional versions in SDL Trados Studio?

000002827|8/28/2020 9:24 AMSdl trados studio 2011
SDL Trados Studio

The Studio 2017 software package is considerably bigger than memoQ translator pro's in terms of hard-disk space and takes longer to launch as well. Studio 2017 won't run on Windows 8.0, Windows Vista or Windows XP; it will only run on the latest versions of Windows 7, 8.1 and 10. So some versions of Windows are fine, others aren't. SDL Trados Studio. The SDL Trados Studio feature comparison table below outlines the differences between the Professional, Freelance and Starter editions of Studio.

2019Trados Studio 2017 Professional
What are the differences between Express, Starter, Freelance, Workgroup and Professional versions in SDL Trados Studio?
This article describes the differences between the five available versions of SDL Trados Studio:
  1. Professional
  2. Workgroup
  3. Freelance
  4. Starter
  5. Express

Refer to the table below for the main differences between the five Studio versions.
SDL Trados Studio 2017 and aboveExpressStarterFreelanceWorkgroupProfessional
Unlimited languages supported at once-5 simultaneously5 simultaneouslyYesYes
Open standalone documents outside of a packageNoYesYesYesYes
Create and email Studio packagesNoNoNoYesYes
Open Studio packagesNoYesYesYesYes
Open WorldServer, TMS, TeamWorks packagesYesYesYesYesYes
Create projectsNoNoYesNoYes
Project wizardNoNoYesNoYes
Open local projectNoNoYesYesYes
Open GroupShare Project (online/server-based project)NoYesYesYes Yes
Align DocumentsNoNoYesYesYes
Works on company networks (Domain-Based)YesNo No YesYes
Publish project to serverNoNoNoNoYes
Create own file-based TMsNoYesYesYesYes
Unlimited file-based TM sizeNo1No2Yes Yes Yes
Open multiple TMs at a time in single file translationsNoNoYesYesYes
Support for importing TMX translation memories NoYesYesYesYes
Upgrade legacy TM formatsNoNoYesYesYes
Access server-based TMsYes3Yes8YesYesYes
TM AdministrationNoNoYesNoYes
Includes SDL MultiTermNoNo Yes Yes Yes
Allows creating termbases (add/edit terms)NoNoYes YesYes
Allows using termbases (read terms)Yes4Yes4Yes Yes Yes
Can access machine translation from within the toolYesNo5Yes Yes Yes
Full batch task functionalityNoNoYes Yes Yes
Custom task sequenceNoNo NoNo Yes
AutoSuggest useYesYes Yes Yes Yes
AutoSuggest createNoNoYes6YesYes
Perfect Match useYesYes Yes Yes Yes
Perfect Match createNoNo No No Yes
Unlimited number of languagesYesNoNoYesYes
Runs 3rd party plug-in apps from SDL AppStoreNo7No7YesYesYes
Software Development Kits (API and SDK)NoNo YesYesYes
Perpetual license availableNoNoYes Yes Yes
Subscription license availableYesYes NoNoNo
Update from Reviewed Target File (Retrofit)NoNoYes Yes Yes
Translation Quality AssessmentNoNoNoYesYes
upLIFT Fragment Recall -YesYesYesYes
upLIFT Fuzzy Repair-YesYesYesYes
QuickPlace-YesYes Yes Yes
Real-time preview -YesYesYesYes
Alignment based TM creationNo-YesYesYes

1 Unlimited TM size when a TM is delivered as part of the project package.
2 Unlimited TM size when a TM is delivered as part of the project package, limited to 5,000 translation units in single file translation.
3 Requires SDL Trados Studio 2017 or higher.
4 Studio Starter and Studio Express can access termbases if they are inside a package.
5 Studio Starter can access MT if the machine translation string is provided in a Studio package.
6 If the optional AutoSuggest Creator add-on has been purchased.
7 Will not run SDL utilities or plug-ins because these check that the user is not using Express or Starter.
8 Studio Starter can only access server-based TMs if they are referred to inside a Studio package or used as part of a published GroupShare project.

For further details refer to the editions overview on our SDL web site.

Trados Studio Professional 2017

Sdl Trados Studio 2019

Also, you need to have SDL Trados Studio 2017 installed with an active license. You will need your personal Authentication Key to use DeepL Pro with SDL Trados Studio 2017. This key can be found on your DeepL Pro Account page. Open the SDL AppStore and log into your account. Search for 'DeepL' and select the 'DeepL Translation Provider' plug-in. 3 Requires SDL Trados Studio 2017 or higher. 4 Studio Starter and Studio Express can access termbases if they are inside a package. 5 Studio Starter can access MT if the machine translation string is provided in a Studio package. 6 If the optional AutoSuggest Creator add-on has been purchased.