Fvdi 2018 Spawn App Failed 1

  1. Fvdi 2018 Spawn App Failed 1.12.2
  2. Fvdi 2018 Spawn App Failed 1.7.10


Create lightweight desktop application that can open custom protocol links(similar to iTunes itmss:// or Slack slack:// application links).

Description: FVDI J2534 is a vehicle communication interface device that full compatible with SAE J2534-1 and partly compatible with SAE J2534-2. It supports most of vehicle communication protocols and can be used as PassThru device for many dealer level diagnostic so. FVDI Abrites Commander factory, you can buy genuine FVDI Commander at the cheapest price here. All FVDI Commander are checked and inspected before delivery. FVDI Abrites Commander Factory Spawn app failed:2/3/4/5/6 - FVDI FAQ best supplier for FVDI Commander. For example: frida -Uf com.apple.calculator result on iOS7.1 iPhone4S: app process can be successfully launched, after about 10s, it says 'Failed to spawn: unexpectedly timed out while waiting for app to launch' ( the client may not rece. Unlock FVDI-2015; Spawn app failed:2/3/4/5/6; Brands. VVDI2 Series; VVDI Series; VVDI MB BGA Tool; VVDI BMW; VVDI Prog; Key Cutting Machine; Xhorse Keys; Xhorse Adapters; CGDI. V3.0 Original SVCI 2018 Abrites Commander V3.0 Full Version 18 software activated Support future Online Update.

Note that it is simple to register an Electron application to handle internalcustom protocol links which are in the page an Electron application isrendering. It is harder to register an Electron application to handlecustom protocol links clicked in other applications. For this we will need tocreate an installer.

Fvdi 2018 Spawn App Failed 1Fvdi 2018 Spawn App Failed 1


I took the Electron quick startapplication from theQuick startguide as the base. I placed the changed application inbahmutov/todomvc-electron-test.

If you want to try the application, clone the repository, install itsdependencies and run the start script

Here is a screenshot of the application in action.

Note that the loaded Electron application has almost NO logic. Instead itloads https://todomvc-express.bahmutov.com/,which is server side rendering TODO MVC application (available atbahmutov/todomvc-express).

For the demo purposes, the application opens the DevTools panel on startup.I also added a small log function that sends the messages to the panel.This comes very handy when the application will be packaged to run withoutterminal and need to debug the events.

Internal custom protocol links

The external website bahmutov/todomvc-expressincludes two links with custom protocol.

When this page is opened in our Electron application, and the user clickson a link <a href='todo2://completed'>completed</a>, we wantto catch this click and open the actual pagehttps://todomvc-express.bahmutov.com/completed. We can achieve this byregistering custom protocol handler inside the Electron main.js rightafter the main window has been created

You can see the results right away by clicking on active and completedlinks which lead to same pages as https://todomvc-express.bahmutov.com/activeand https://todomvc-express.bahmutov.com/completed.

External custom protocol links

In order to register our new Electron application as the handler for customprotocol links, we need to make an installer that would register it.I will use the project electron-builderto package the Electron app. First, let us create 'DMG' installer. Thesettings will be in the 'build' config object inside the package.json file.

Notice the 'protocols' object that registers both 'todo2://' and 'todos2://'custom protocols. While unnecessary, this shows how to register multiplecustom protocols for one application.

Create the 'DMG' file using npm run dist command. This createstodo-<version>.dmg file, that you can execute. Once you drag the applicationinto 'Applications' folder, it will become the handler for the custom protocol.Opening the custom link todo2://, either by clicking inside a browser,or by simply open todo2://... from the terminal opens the Todo application.

Clicking on the custom link the browser brings a dialog prompting the userto 'Launch the application'.

Making a Windows installer

Fvdi 2018 spawn app failed 13.3App

I want to build a Windows 64bit installer on a MacOSX laptop. See specificinstructions.Directions for Linux systems areslightly different.

To build a Windows installer, let us add a new script command 'win' andWindows build settings. In order to install custom protocols, I had to useNSIS installer with perMachine: true option.

Fvdi 2018 Spawn App Failed 1.12.2

I also added protocol registration as a separate installer scriptin build/installer.nsh file

Running the command downloads the Windows Electron application, but complainsbecause Wine is not found. Install Wineand open the Wine terminal. Then run npm run win command again and it builta 'Setup-.exe' file. This file installs on Windows platformand became the handler for 'todo2://' links in other applications.

Making installers on CI

I tried making installers on CI using GitLab docker build. Here my sample.gitlab-ci.yml file. First it runs the tests (mostly just a JS linter),then it tries to build an installer. There are some dependencies thatneed to be installed for Linux environment, seewiki.Instead of installing dependencies in each test job, I recommend usinga special Docker image with all necessary dependencies pre-installed.

Unfortunately building signed DMG installer for Mac OS requires a Mac machineaccording to this.

Common problems

  • If you get 'spawn icns2png ENOENT' ... - install Linux dependencies
  • If you get 'spawn gtar ENOENT' on Mac, you will need to install gnu-tar
  • If you get 'missing WINE' error, open WINE shell and run the build command.
  • If you see Error: spawn mono ENOENTthen you need to install Mono,for example using homebrew.


I come across a topic for discussing SVCI 2020 2019 2018 technical issues arising from beginners and not only on issues:
device circuitry (circuits, description of nodes, operation logic, pinout, etc.)
finalization of iron (drivers kan, kline, power circuits, adapter TAG, etc.)
technical issues related to the operation of the device itself (the device is not detected, driver conflicts, updating, working with the Internet, etc.)
Why exactly 18.19.20? – the most recent, and similar in iron. 19.20 for iron is generally the same.
For questions related to software functions – please do not disturb and write in neighboring topics.
Let’s collect the Old on iron, problems associated with it, necessary / desirable improvements and basic technical questions in one place.
Next, I’ll post a photo of my motherboards from SVCI 2019.
Main board

TAG Key tool for FVDI

Tag Key tool for Fly OBD terminator

First question is mine
Did anyone update firmware 2019 through the corresponding item at the very bottom of the start window.
He writes that he is connecting to the server, finds the update, downloads and pretends to update.
I’m afraid that the device will fail this update?
And immediately the second:
Two adapters with antennas.
Black: TAG key tool for FVDI
Blue: TAG key tool for FLY OBD Terminator
The diagrams show that blue contains bases on transponders at 125 and 134 frequencies, which is similar to tanga, iprog rfid adapter, carprog, etc. And the same improvements are possible regarding the operation of the antenna and the binding of these pcf7991 and tms3705 drivers for better reading of transponders.
And today, the black 4D chip in the TAG tool didn’t identify or read the black of some device unknown to me . Although 7935 read.
What are two adapters for? Where are they used?

I’ll start to answer a little.
I took a risk: in short, the update went fine, only it was necessary to wait for completion and not to pull the cord ahead of time, blinked a red light and then earned it.
(This is on the 2019 version. HZ as it will be on others. Caution!)

1. The Internet is not afraid. It works when nete is on. At least I started different brands – the norms were loading.
2. There was also a case when brands did not start – wrote something Spawn -4. Although I went into the update – the software saw the device and the firmware version.
At this moment, DrWebCureIt worked, maybe there were not enough resources. He finished work kureit, overloaded the laptop and everything worked as before.
3. The green light on the device is constantly blinking. This is the way to see it – a sign of normal work.

Today, the message Spawn app failed: 4 again appeared when launching stamps from Loader.
The green LED on the SVCI blinks as usual.
The device sees the update point in the loader: reads the firmware version.
Restarted the laptop – the error is gone. Brands began to run.

Today I checked again: the TAG Key Tool does not read Tiris4CDE.
At 125 frequencies, transponders read.
The weird Tag adapter circuitry – on the mcp6024 – is a 10MHz operational amplifier, rail2rail.
How they made work with transponders based on it – xs
I will sort this out.
Maybe someone has a circuit for the board, adapters, pinout – share.
Two adapters with antennas
black for TAG key
Blue for VVDI2.
At 3/28/2020 at 3:33 PM, saak said:
updated without problems 2019.
Does the TAG Key tool read your 4C, D, E chips?
At 3/28/2020 at 3:33 PM, saak said:
Two adapters with antennas
black for TAG key
Blue for VVDI2.
I’ll learn something already . Thank.
So, played with Tiris chips
4C reads
4E – reads
But, the chips need to be laid directly on the coil perpendicular to the turns
A little to the side – does not read.
In short, the completion of the TAG Key tool adapter is waiting for me

A clearer photo of the TAG Key tool adapter board (black body)

it’s just that simple
But the Vagovskaya reader will be more interesting

Fvdi 2018 Spawn App Failed 1.7.10

Then we will agree on the names of the tag key tool adapter on the operating system at frequencies of 125 and 134 KHz. There has been approximately the same circuitry since 2014.
It works as a transceiver on the opamp ncp6024 (mine on lm339). The main container is bright yellow (I have gray). The circuit is tuned to 134 kHz. Nearby is a transistor. which, on command from the processor, opens and throws in parallel 0.3 nF. reducing the frequency to 125 kHz. The amplitude of the pulses in the circuit is at least 30 volts. He won’t read otherwise. 14 years old photo attached
blue, for VVDI2 (vag + bmw) – circuit design karprog, ayprog. How it works, chewed on the forum. The only thing that is not visible is how the antenna switches. The relay is not visible in the photo. It is visible only on the back of the board, something similar to a relay.

Now for setting up tag kei tool. Do not touch the coil. By selecting the capacity (yellow), we set the circuit to 134 kHz. You can even drop out small condors nearby so as not to interfere. We achieve reading tiris 4d. Then we short-circuit the emitter with the collector of the transistor and select small capacitances, we achieve work at 125 KHz. To read 7936. More precisely, 7946 (key cards). We remove the nozzle from the transistor and check again. If the reading deteriorates, we change the transistor to another …
With this setting, the adapter reads all types of transponders. If you want to work as “from a cannon”, Change the coil to the Opelyovskaya or Reno, toyotovskaya and select .. select containers. But you have to decide which type is needed 134 KHz or 125.
The main thing is to understand that the universal cannot be good .. Especially for narrow-eyed …
It is possible, however, to reduce the quality factor of the circuit with resistors by about 10 approximately. But this is for gourmets …

Do not drive the unverified Old about transistors that close some capacitors.
Here I sketched part of the circuit from the board.
Both transistors are the driver output stage. They pump up the circuit. They are controlled from a microcontroller. The pump frequency is set by the controller.
(try, close the emitter with the collector, it is better on the lower shoulder of the driver, let’s see what happens)
The L1C6 circuit itself is the same at both pump frequencies.
So you need to adjust the L1C6 circuit to resonance to the middle (125 + 134) / 2, so that the pump range is acceptable at both frequencies.

But in general – it is clear. Select a capacitor or coil by monitoring the signal with an oscilloscope while reading transponders 125 and 134 (e.g. 7936 and 4D).
Simply think capacity.
This is for the black Tag Key Tool adapter.

Until blue, until his hands reached.
They both work at both frequencies of 125 and 134 kHz.

Today I double-checked all the chips. Everything except pcf7935 reads, writes, cooks on standard parts.
Just a place on the reel you need to look for.
Press some on the center, some on the inner edge of the coil, put some on the coil from above perpendicular to the direction of the turns of the coil.
Id48, 7936, temic, 4d – reads, writes, cooks. I checked this in the Tag Key Tool.
If C6 is 4300 pF (out of the box it costs 4700), then the voltage on the circuit rises pleasantly, but … the chips stop reading and writing
In short, I’ll leave it as it is, just try to reel a new coil and play with it.
This can be seen from the fact that you are using this black adapter not specialized chips like pcf7991, tms3705, but a microcontroller with firmware and an opamp with a binding.
Yes, and one circuit for two frequencies
Just by increasing the pump by selecting a conder in the circuit for resonance, it is better to not do it, but on the contrary it gets worse.
Well, this is on my version of svci2019.
In earlier versions, I read such a refinement improved sensitivity.

I need to discuss one scheme. I copied the adapter from Chinese abbreviation svci2019 with the Tag Key Tool.
I am interested in breaking a circuit into logical blocks. Where is the receiving part, where is the transmitting part. Where for 125 frequencies, where for 134.
At 125 frequencies, modulation is like AM, at 134 like FM.
In short, where which parts of the circuit are responsible for.

This is the circuit itself and the operational amplifier with strapping. Maybe he missed some element, but not the point.
Well, the D1 diode is clearly a detector of the AM component of the signal in the L1C6 circuit. After it is a filter, an isolation capacitor C3 (after which remains the variable component of the AM signal from the circuit) and the amplifier of the received signal at the op-amp U1_1.
But what is fenced off on the elements D2D3, U1_3, U1_4?
As a result, there should be chains:
– reading the signal from the transponder at frequencies 125/134
– signal transmission to the transponder at frequencies 125/134

Tinkered during the weekend with this black TagKeyTool adapter.
I tried increasing / decreasing the value of the capacitor to wind a coil for it, reading / writing different transponders.
Found out: that the best work is on the factory rating of the capacitor C6 4700pf. But if you reel another coil, the sensitivity can be increased.
Better sensitivity on a smaller diameter coil (35mm). With increasing diameter, the sensitivity decreases – even if you manually select the turns while reading / writing transponders.
I made a connector on the wire to which I will connect different individually configured coils.
The technique is this: we count the coil at a frequency of 125 kHz for a given 4700pf loop conder. We get the inductance. Next, according to the required inductance, we calculate the winding data of the coil: the approximate number of turns on our diameter and winding width (1 cm).
And then, while reading / writing a test transponder, it is better for pcf7936 to play with turns, achieving the best reading and writing (it is necessary to write, because it happens that it reads normally but does not write).
Plus or minus a couple of turns turned out to be of great importance!
The total inductance on my coil is 365 μH.
Frequency 134 will have to work on this coil. It is possible to make plus or minus 1-2-3 turns of reading-writing already at 134 frequency.
I used the transponder emulator from Xhorse so as not to screw up individual chips. The emulator can always be retrained.

Yes. Still. 134 frequency is terribly afraid, as it turned out, of pulse pickups. A PSU from a laptop or an included soldering station near the coil leads to errors or complete inoperability at 134 frequencies.

Once again I checked the operation of this adapter on a larger coil inductance. C6 took 2200pf. I wound a coil for it under 125 kHz.
Pumping has grown markedly. But reading / writing did not get any better. Errors at 125 frequency were thrown.
134 refused at all.
In short, everything. I tie with this tag key tool adapter. It is assembled on non-specialized microcircuits such as pcf7991, tms3507, and on the microcontroller and the opamp, and it is already incorrectly processed by these nodes to see the change in pump and signal from the coil.
Shorter than C6 4700pf. 35mm reel. Inductance 365mkg. + – a turn-two is already in the process of reading and writing chips.
Yes. The l9637d k-line driver was replaced by its faster analogue l9613 according to the recommendations of people from neighboring branches on FVDI.

To be upgrading…

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